
Dare To Be You

Dare To Be You

Availability: Available

Author: Malik Shahzad

Genres: Health and Well-being Nonfiction Regional Non Fiction

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Do you feel stuck in an endless loop of your thoughts?
Are you looking for fulfilment but not quite sure which path to tread?
Is fear holding you back from the relentless pursuit of your passion?

Is this really the best possible version of your life?

Short, raw, and powerful, Dare to Be You is more than just another self-help book. With a unique no-holds-barred approach to authenticity, it takes you on a journey of self-exploration, to unlock your true potential, and do away with the demons that hold you back. The book not only draws from recollections of jolting events from Shahzad’s own life and how he managed to surmount them, but also offers valuable insights from a combination of research and experience so that you, too, can overcome anything that befalls your way. Written simply as a conversation with a friend, Dare to Be You offers empathy and understanding, serves as the key to unlocking your potential, and empowers you with the courage to start living the life you were meant to live.